James 1: 26-27 (with Commentary)

James 1: 26-27
26If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

For me, verse 26 is a clear reference to verse 19 to be "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." And honestly if verse 26 is a reminder intended to emphasize the advice from verse 19, that is sufficient.  However, when I considered verse 26 alone without reference to verse 19; I felt like the message is clearly that an undisciplined approach to religion is an approach that is self deceiving and ultimately worthless.  Such a faith is filled with none of the promises that true and disciplined faith offers.  For many of us keeping a "tight rein" on our tongues is a monumental challenge. Anyone who has spoken without first considering their words can confess that it is usually a bad idea. We should all strive to watch what words come out of our mouths.  When we are about to discuss religion with someone, it is a good idea to pray and meditate before a single word leaves our mouths.  Those that have heard me think out loud know that I will need your prayers that I should take heed to verse 26 of the first book of James.

For me, verse 27 is very plain and straightforward: care for those that are most vulnerable and avoid giving into the ways of this world.  Widows and orphans even today are often the most vulnerable people in the world.  I believe that we should probably extend "widows and orphans" to anyone that seem like they are unable to protect themselves from the predators of this world. The second part of verse 27 "keeping oneself from being polluted by the world" is not a charge to shut ourselves off from this world.  Much of James 1 is in fact dedicated to living your faith through good deeds. I think that this part of the verse is coupled with the first part about protecting those who are vulnerable to remind us not to fall into the "ways of the world" by taking advantage of our position while protecting the weak and innocent.  It also may be a reminder to not fall into a false sense of pride (a worldly way) for the protection/aid/assistance that we have provided to those who are vulnerable.  Remember, taking care of "widows and orphans" is something that the word of God has directed and give the credit and glory to God for the work he has directed through you.  

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